Can we replace eggs with protein powder?

Egg VS Protein Powder:  

People in fitness need to supplement protein to meet the needs of muscle growth. Eggs contain high-quality proteins that are most easily absorbed by the body. They also contain a variety of amino acids that are good for muscle synthesis, as well as unsaturated fats and vitamins that are good for the heart. Studies have shown that the ratio of various nutrients in eggs is the most suitable for human body absorption. It is the most economical and effective fitness supplement and its utilization rate after absorption reaches 95%.

How to eat eggs is the most scientific?  

Although eggs are good, they also need to be eaten. Generally, it is sufficient for a person with strength and fitness to supplement three meals a day, one in the morning and two after fitness. Some people say that eating eggs does not eat egg yolks because of eating egg whites. Eating yolks are not good for the body, but it is beneficial to the body for the amount of 3 eggs a day, and the yolk contains various minerals that allow the body's energy to be restored, also material like vitamins and fats.
However, eating only eggs after fitness is not enough, but also with some other sources of protein, such as milk, fish, and even protein powder, in order to ensure adequate intake of protein. The question of the comparison and selection of eggs and protein powder has always been an issue for everyone. There is no doubt that protein powder is more easily absorbed. The protein powders used in fitness are all whey protein powders. They are high-purity, high-quality refined proteins. The absorption rate is the fastest among various types of protein, so it is suitable for immediate supplementation after fitness. Egg albumin is a mixed protein of various proteins. It is not a simple whey protein. It has a slightly longer absorption rate and because it is not refined, it requires a relatively large amount of protein to supplement enough protein.

So the best advice is to eat the eggs for breakfast. After training, it is best to add protein powder to complete the body's protein requirements.


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