Supine alternate heel contact | Abs


Place a mat on the floor and lay down on your back.
Bring your knees up so you’re your thighs are at a right angle to your calves.
Put your hands down by your side, with your palms facing the floor.
Get into the starting position by slightly raising your shoulder blades off the floor.
Reach down with your right hand as far as possible.
Now repeat the reach with your left hand. That's 1 rep.
Repeat for desired reps.

Exercise Tips:

  • Reach down as far as possible on every rep.

I love the exercise of the abdominal muscles in the gym to provide you with an exercise diagram for alternating supine and heel contact and the essentials for alternating supine and supine contact. From the exercise site, type, equipment used, and assistive devices, the supine alternating heel contact is explained. Scientific training methods, master scientific exercises, and methods let you go further in the training process, systematic learning makes your muscles more perfect. For more supine alternating heel contact related actions, please pay attention to my ABS Section.


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