Supine knees and legs lifted | Abs


Set up for the exercise by placing a mat on the floor and laying down on your back. With your arms straight and out wide, place your palms on the floor.
Raise your knees up until your thighs are at a 90-degree angle to the floor and you're lower legs are parallel to the floor.
Twisting at the hips, gradually lower your knees to the right in a pendulum motion.
Do not pause at the bottom, and twist your knees over to the left side.
Repeat for desired reps.

Exercise Tips:

  • Do not swing your lower body back and forth. Complete the exercise slowly.

I love the exercise of the abdominal muscles in the gym to provide you with an exercise diagram of knees and knees, and an exercise routine for supine knees, legs, and waists. It explains all parts of the exercise, types, instruments used, and assistive devices. The scientific training method of supine knees and raising your legs and waist, mastering scientific exercises and methods, let you go further in the training process, systematic learning makes your muscles more perfect. More supine knees lift legs and waist-related actions, please pay attention to my ABS Section.


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