Supine straight legs touch the volume | Abs


Lay on the mat on your back with your arms by your side and legs straight out in front of you. All you need for the floor toe reach is a mat to lay on. Lay on the mat on your back with your arms.
Put one hand over the top of the other and point your hands straight up towards the ceiling.
Now, keep your legs straight and feet together, bring your legs up so they are also pointing to the ceiling. This is the start of the exercise.
Now reach up as far as you can with your hands towards your toes. Use your abs to elevate your shoulders off the floor.
Pause, and slowly lower back to starting position.
Repeat for desired reps.

Exercise Tips:

  • Do not move your legs at all throughout the set.
  • Make this exercise harder by holding weight in your hands or holding the reach for a count of two.

I love the exercise of muscles in the abdominal muscles of the gym to provide you with an exercise diagram for the supine straight leg to touch the abdomen and a supine straight leg to touch the abdomen. From the position, type, equipment and aids of the exercise Directions to explain the scientific training methods of supine straight legs to touch the abdomen, master scientific exercises, and methods, let you go further in the training process, systematic learning to make your muscles more perfect. More supine straight legs to touch the volume of abdominal related actions, please pay attention to my ABS Section.


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